Tuesday, May 27, 2014
K Liquid Chlorophyll (K-Link)
dapatkan dengan harga super murah hanya di http://savabiz.com/herbal-vitamin/k-liquid-chlorophyll-k-link.html
melia propolis asli Propolis Melia paling murah
yang berbahan dasar air liur lebah ini, mampu meyembuhkan hampir semua jenis penyakit seperti Kolesterol, Darah tinggi, Stroke, Penyakit jantung, Diabetes, Asma, Bronchitis, TBC, Migrain, Kanker, Kanker payudara, TumorKolesterol, Hepatitis, Leukimia, Anemia, Asam urat, Flu, Batu empedu/ginjal, Radang ginjal, Mata katarak, Demam berdarah, Maag, Tifus, Hipertiroid, Sakit pinggang, Ambeien, Reumatik, Nyeri pinggang, Osteoporosis, Prostat, Kemandulan, Luka bakar, Penyakit kulit, Usus buntu, Herpes, Cacar air, Luka, Jerawat, Eksim, Kista, Radang tenggorokan, Sinusitis.
Berikut ini manfaat/khasiat/fungsi melia propolis asli antara lainn :
1. Propolis sebagai anti-kanker dan sel yang bermutasi, seperti kanker, tumor, mioma, kista, dan sebagainya.
2. Manfaat Propolis mengobati penyakit yang berhubungan dengan bakteri, misalnya: thypus, diare / muntaber dan sebagainya. Bisa juga untuk bau ketiak yang sangat mengganggu, karena dalam lipatan ketiak terdapat bakteri atau jamur yang menyebabkan bau.
3. Manfaat Propolis mengobati penyakit yang berhubungan dengan virus, misalnya demam berdarah, flu, TBC dan sebagainya.
4. Manfaat Propolis dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
5. Fungsi Propolis sebagai Anti peradangan (infeksi dan luka), seperti bisul, luka, sakit tenggorokan, congek, sakit gigi, radang ginjal, luka bakar dan sebagainya.
6. Manfaat Propolis sebagai antibiotik, antivirus dan antijamur alami tanpa/minimal efek samping.
7. Khasiat Propolis berfungsi untuk membersihkan pembulu darah dan detoksifikasi.
8. Khasiat Propolis berfungsi sebagai pembuangan racun, seperti asam urat, kolesterol, trigliserin, tekanan darah tinggi, penyakit jantung, stroke, diabetes mellitus, dan sebagainya.
9. Fungsi Propolis juga dapat mengobati penyakit seperti ateriosklerosis atau pengapuran pembuluh darah oleh lemak, berbagai infeksi, gangguan pencernaan, gangguan pernafasan, penyakit syaraf, arthritis dan rematik.
10. Manfaat Propolis sebagai penetral racun dalam tubuh dan pada saat yang sama berfungsi sebagai anti-oksidan kuat.
11. Manfaat Propolis mengobati penyakit yang berhubungan dengan jamur, seperti eksim, panu, keputihan, ketombe, dan sebagainya.
melia Propolis asli bisa memberikan keajaiban dalam menyembuhkan banyak penyakit , kandungan antioksidan 1 tetes propolis = antioksidan 500 buah jeruk. Selain itu, propolis kaya akan asam amino, vitamin-vitamin, bioflavonoids.
Cara pemakaian/mengkonsumsi melia Propolis asli :
Diminum: teteskan propolis dengan 1/4 gelas air putih lalu dikocok (sangat bagus dicampur dengan madu)
1. Orang sehat : 3-5 tetes, 2-5 kali sehari
2. Orang sakit : 5-7 tetes, 4-5 kali sehari
Penyembuhan luar: oleskan propolis secara merata pada bagian tubuh yang luka atau sakit.
paling murah di http://savabiz.com/herbal-vitamin/melia-propolis-asli-propolis-melia-kemasan-baru-per-botol.html
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Illinois Art Schools
The International Academy of Design and Technology in Chicago has practical based courses, delivered by tutors who are working professionals in their chosen field. The classrooms and studios are of industry standard in terms of the equipment available to students. Distance learning online is offered as well as campus tuition. Courses at this art school in Illinois include Animation, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Game Design, and Web Site Design.
Chicago's Harrington College of Design is one of the oldest of the Illinois art schools, having served the area for 75 years. The college provides Associate of Applied Science and Bachelor of Fine Arts programs. Admission times are flexible with students able to enroll for the Fall, Spring or Summer semester. There is a Financial Aid program for those eligible. A Career Services Department gives advice on preparing a resume and looking for a job upon graduation. Graduates can also look for support from the Alumni Association. Courses here include Architectural Design, Interior Design, Media Arts, Photography, and Multimedia.
The American Academy of Art in Chicago was established in 1923. It is located in the Museum District and it offers a mix of traditional and contemporary subjects. Students are fortunate in having access to one of the best libraries of any Illinois art school. The Irving Shapiro Library is well known for its extensive resources. Courses include Drawing, Art History, Computer Art/Design, Illustration, Painting, and Digital Design.
The ITT Technical Institute, School of Drafting and Design is situated at Mount Prospect. It is a very well equipped school with Electronic Labs, IT Labs and Drafting Labs. Courses include 3D Design, Animation, Design Theory, Drafting, Visual Communication, and Computer Design.
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago has been educating students for over 100 years and has excellent amenities including studios, seminar rooms, libraries, school galleries, classrooms and a fine museum. The curriculum is very broad at this Illinois art school and includes traditional skills, such as Printmaking, Sculpture, Painting, Silkscreen and Jewelry. There are also courses in Architecture, Photography, Lighting, Graphic Design and Liberal Arts. Other courses provide a career path to working in art gallery and museum institutions, including Museum Studies and Art Administration. The Art Criticism course could lead to a career in journalism or academia and the Art Education course is of interest to students wanting to be educators in the art field.
more HTML programs
If you don't feel like paying anyone to make website, there are still tools that you can use that will give you better results than many of the free webpage programs. Nowadays, there are more HTML programs than ever before. Any of them will help you make web site. They all have different features, and it is too much to get into right now, but fortunately most of them have trial versions available. This means that you can download them for free and use them for a limited time to get a feel for what they do. Give it a try, do some research, and see how it works. You might be surprised with the results you get. It will be worth the work you put into it, and you might come out knowing a little more about how the web works.
It has never been easier to make your own website than it is today. It is really simple. If you don't believe me, try MySpace. All you have to do is log on, create an account, and you can make web site within a few minutes. Even if you have never programmed in HTML before, barely understand the Internet at all, and don't know what you want to do with your website, you can still make a website very quickly. Not only will you have your own webpage, but you will have one that doesn't cost you anything. This is pretty cool for a lot of purposes.
s lutena super lutein naturally plus indonesia
S Lutena

Diantara keistimewaan dari S.Lutena adalah proses pembuatannya yang sama sekali tidak terpengaruh oleh udara sehingga fungsi anti oksidannya tidak berkurang sedikitpun, Sebab 300 jenis bahan dalam S Lutena dibuat dalam bentuk cair yang dimasukkan ke dalam kapsul kristal khas dengan teknologi kristalisasi (teknologi terkini di Jepang dan AS). Hal ini berbeda jauh dengan suplemen lainnya yang relatif sangat rentan teroksidasi dengan udara (oksigen).
S.Lutena merupakan ekstrak dari berbagai jenis sayur-sayuran berwarna hijau & cerah yang terdiri dari 6 jenis caroteniod yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh, disamping mengandung vitamin E, vitamin B, dan DHA. Herbal ini merupakan pilihan tepat dan terbaik bagi masyarakat modern untuk menjaga keseimbangan nutrisi setiap hari. Kini S.Lutena telah menjadi suplemen kesehatan yang mendominasi di negeri Jepang.
Berbagai Manfaat Pada S Lutena:
Stroke, Jantung Koroner, Kanker, Darah Tinggi, Tumor, Diabetes Melitus, Kolesterol, Migrain, Rabun Jauh / Dekat, Rabun Senja, Katarak, Mata Silindris, Mata Minus / Plus Nyeri Haid/Haid Tidak Lancar, Kulit Kering Sembelit, Hepatitis, Sakit Ginjal, Sakit Pinggang, Periodontosis, Arteriosklerosis, Eksim Borok / Luka Nyeri Sendi,
- Memperbaiki penglihatan.
- Membantu mengatasi presbion.
- Membantu mengatasi astigmatisma.
- Membantu mengatasi katarak.
- Membantu mengatasi floater.
- Membantu mengatasi rabun senja.
- Memperbaiki mutasi makula lutea.
- Regenerasi pertumbuhan rambut.
- Rambut yang abu-abu menjadi hitam.
- Membantu mengatasi dimensia.
- Mengurangi hiperaktivitas anak.
- Menambah kecerdasan.
- Membantu mengatasi nyeri haid.
- Membuat siklus haid menjadi teratur.
- Menghilangkan kista rahim.
- Melancarkan haid.
- Haid kembali normal.
- Memperbaiki cairan amniaotik.
- Sembuh dari kanker rahim.
- Kulit menjadi halus.
- Tumit menjadi halus.
- Menghilangkan clavus (kapalan di kaki).
- Meningkatkan sensitivitas kulit..
- Membantu mengatasi kaki atlet.
- Memperbesar payudara
- Menurunkan tekanan darah.
- Menurunkan kadar gula darah.
- Mengurangi sakit pundak dan leher.
- Menurunkan kolesterol.
- Membantu mengatasi encok.
- Membantu mengatasi atherosclerosis.
- Membantu mengatasi kelumpuhan otak
- Tidak ada lagi konstipasi.
- Melancarkan aliran darah tersumbat.
- Sembuh dari kanker usus besar.
- Menghentikan diare.
- Membantu mengatasi urinasi.
- Membantu mengatasi pertarakan.
- Membantu mengatasi hernaturia.
- Membantu mengatasi albumenuria.
- Mencegah impotensi.
- Meningkatkan toleransi pada alkohol.
- Tidak mudah lelah.
- Mengurangi jam tidur.
- Cerak kulit lebih baik.
- Membantu mengatasi hepatitis.
- Sembuh dari kankier hati.
Kesaksian Ibu Ana di Indramayu mata minus :
Nama saya Ana (25 thn), Tinggal di Reretan Indramayu, kesibukan saya ngajar di SMK Indramayu.
Pada awalnya ada yang memberitahu saya tentang obat yang bisa sembuhkan mata minus. Dia dari Jakarta, yang kebetulan satu almamater. Jelas saya sangat tertarik untuk mengetahui hal tersebut, karena saya pengin banget lepas dari kacamata.
Pas dikenalkan dengan S LUTENA ini, dalam hati saya ngomong: Ini bener ndak ya? Karena saya sudah sering mencoba dengan minum apapun yang kata orang bilang, tetapi tetap saja minus saya tidak berkurang.
Akhirnya dengan rasa penasaran, saya coba beli 1 botol. Saya minum 1 hari 6 Kapsul (pagi 3 kapsul & malam 3 kapsul). Sebelum konsumsi S LUTENA, minus saya 4. Ketika baru 2 minggu saya konsumsi, saya merasakan ada perubahan pada mata saya.
Kacamata sering tidak pakai & melihat jarak jauh pun sudah cukup jelas. Dengan rasa penasaran, saya periksakan mta saya & hasilnya luar biasa!!
Ternyata minus saya telah berkurang 2,5 padahal baru 2 minggu saja konsumsi S LUTENA. Percaya??

suplemen peninggi badan
suplemen peninggi badan

Membantu pertumbuhan, meningkatkan kecerdasan, daya tahan tubuh dan nafsu makan.
Mengandung Zymolitic Bone Calcium Powder (AA-Ca), Whole Milk Powder, Egg York Powder, Non-dairy Creamer.
Kalsium AA-Ca memiliki keunggulan berupa:
Tingkat penyerapan yang tinggi, struktur yang stabil sehingga tidak mudah bersatu dengan asam oksalat dan asam nabati di dalam usus.
Penyerapannya tidak memerlukan Vitamin D3.
Memiliki daya gabung yang sangat tinggi dengan jaringan tulang, 7 kali lipat daripada dengan jaringan lain, sehingga tidak menimbulkan penyakit pembentukan batu di dalam jaringan.
Kalsium AA-Ca bersifat netral sehingga tidak mengganggu saluran pencernaan terutama lambung.
Fungsi suplemen peninggi badan tiens :
- Menyempurnakan tumbuh kembang anak-anak dan remaja.
- Mempertahankan kesehatan tulang.
- Mengatur kontraksi dan relaksasi otot.
- Mengatur vitalitas sel-sel tubuh.
- Mempertahankan sirkulasi tubuh agar selalu normal.
- Mempertahankan detak jantung yang normal.
- Sangat disarankan bagi orang yang :
- Semua anak-anak dan remaja yang sedang tumbuh, terutama bagi mereka yang memiliki kebiasaan memilih-milih makanan.
Kandungan kalsium peninggi badan
- Isomaltooligosaccharide - 3600mg
- Deflatted Milk - 3000mg
- zymolytic Bone Calcium Powder (bovine) - 2400 mg
- 180mg calcium acetate
- Vit.A - 0.1236 mg
- Vit.D - 0.0027mg
- Vit.C - 7.6mg
- Lacti-ferrous - 2.06 mg
- Mereka dimasa pertumbuhan
- Orang dewasa yang memerlukan pemenuhan nutrisi kalsium
- Para lansia
- Ibu hamil dan menyusui
- 1-2 kali/hari, 1 bungkus/kali
- diseduh dengan air bersuhu 60-70 Cecius (Air Hangat, Tidak Boleh Menggunakan Air Panas)
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Magic Powers
There is something about magic and ritual that holds a fascination for nearly everyone. Whether magic incantations whispered at midnight in some dark, hidden grove or the scent of ritual incense wafting up to the sky along with prayers, most people are instantly drawn to the trappings of occult power. I have always thought that this is because, at least on some level, everyone craves magic powers. Who would not like to see his wishes granted at the wave of a magic wand or the chanting of some mantra.
Unfortunately, magic powers are a lot harder to get than that. If you really want to be able to cast powerful magic spells, you have to be willing to put n a whole lot of time and energy to develop your occult potential. Many people wish for magic power and try to experiment with occult forces, only to meet with failure after failure. It is not impossible to succeed, but it is very hard without proper guidance.
My first encounter with magic powers occurred about 3 years ago. Back then, I felt like someone had put a hex on my life. Nothing was going right for me, and it all kept getting worse and worse. I decided to higher a wizard to cast a magic spell to cleanse me of any curses, bad karma or other problems. It did not work right away, but the effect was pretty quick. Within about a week my luck started to turn around. I got a callback for an interview, my relationship improved, and I met a few new friends. It was hard to tell if it was a result of the magic powers of the wizard, but something had definitely changed. It made me curious about what else you could accomplish through magic power.
I started to take magic classes at a local new age bookstore. They met once a week in a back room, surrounded by tarot decks, magic wands, and crystals. It might just have been from the power of the setting, but I felt like there was something mystical going on. When the teacher came in, there was an almost palpable sense of his magic powers. I could feel myself absorbing his knowledge as the class went on, and it was a very good feeling.
I am not sure whether I ever completely developed magic powers, but I certainly have become more powerful. I have learned how to will the changes I want to see in my life, and that knowledge really is a comfort on a day to day basis. Even when things are going bad, I know that the spirit world can help me to overcome any obstacle that is put in my way.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Harry Potter Gifts
One of the biggest phenomena in the publishing world in recent years has been the series of Harry Potter books by J.K Rowling. The books and subsequent films have produced a lot of merchandise and giving Harry Potter gifts has added to a lucrative business. Every film has been put onto DVD, separately and in box sets. PC Games are available too, based on each film and on the game of Quidditch. Action figures are available of all the major characters. Bedroom walls are festooned with the latest Potter movie poster and fans swap Harry Potter trading cards.
The internal magical world of the stories is an inspiration for a wide range of Harry Potter gifts. Children and adults can have reminders of their favorite characters and scenes. Each new book launch at the book store results in a line of people dressing up as wizards and witches.
Clothing for sale includes elegant Hogwarts School robes with satin lining. There are also Professor Dumbledore hats, student hats and sorting hats, and Potter's trademark wire rimmed glasses. For a really authentic look, you can apply a temporary Lightning Bolt Scar tattoo! The four houses of Hogwarts School are represented by their crests on scarves, ties and beanie hats, which all make good Harry Potter gifts. You can hang House Banners on the wall too, choosing from Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.
Role-playing is an important part of being a fan of this fantasy world. You can dress up as Harry, Ron or Hermione, complete with a magic wand and broom. There is a wide choice of wands, made by hand from quality hardwood and the brooms come with a warning that they don't really fly! Still, it's fun to pretend. There are also sheaths for the wand, to tidy them away when they are not needed.
Train sets are always welcome but there's something special about the bright red model of the Hogwarts Express, so familiar to fans of the movies. Another significant model vehicle is the flying 1962 Ford Anglia, as seen in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. When playing with the express train, you can hang up a Hogwarts Express wooden sign from the train station. If you don't mind amusing the neighbors, you could also hang a Leaky Cauldron sign outside your home. The sign of the tavern where many a butterbeer has been downed is made from wrought iron.
Plush toys are very popular and they make terrific Harry Potter gifts. The choice includes Hedwig the owl, Fawkes the phoenix and Crookshanks, beloved cat of Hermione. There are also four plush dragons, dragons being an important part of the wizard mythology. They are the Chinese Fireball, Swedish Snort, Welsh Green Dragon, and the Hungarian Horntail, all featured in the Tri-Wizard Tournament in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Handling Difficult People
No matter who you are or where you go, you are going to occasionally run into someone who is simply too much for you to handle. There are some that have no reason to be pleased, and nothing that you will ever do will be good enough for them. This means that you have to learn something about handling difficult people. While it can be daunting, the more you understand about why they are difficult, the better off you will be when you encounter one in business or in your personal life.
When handling difficult people, you should know why they are difficult. Some have little to no power anywhere in their life, so they use whatever chance they get to exert some. This usually means that they are hard to deal with in retail outlets and minor business deals or transactions. Some have been raised by perfectionist type parents, and they find that nothing is ever good enough for them. Some have no idea they are difficult, and for the most part, they aren’t really to blame. There is always a hidden reason or event that makes them hard to handle, and that means you have to look past their behavior.
Usually the key to handling difficult people is to treat them with as much kindness as you can. If you get upset, you have validated their complaints and their behavior. Instead, keep your cool as long as you can, and then excuse yourself if you find that you simply can’t take any more. If you have to go back, make sure you get calmed down before you do so. Handling difficult people is something that you learn with time, but starting off calm and resolving to remain that way can go a long way. Most people stop yelling and ranting if they are the only one in the conversation that is doing so.
There are some great books on handling difficult people. These are great if you work in a high powered business where you may encounter many stressed out people. These folks may not be hard to deal with all of the time, but may become so when they have too much riding on their shoulders. Taking some time to read these books on how to handle difficult people can take you a long way in life. Not only will you learn to deal with them, you will also learn why they are the way they are, and that will make the whole process so much easier for you each time you come upon such a situation.
Protecting Your Cellular Phone Numbers
You probably have a landline along with your cell phone. Though some don’t, most households keep their landline for various reasons, even when they don’t use them very often. In many cases, the landline number is listed, and is used for things like business or commercial purchases. You may also give this number to doctors, lawyers, and others who need to reach you, but to whom you may not want to give your cellular phone numbers to. You protect your cell number in that way, and you should protect it in other ways as well.
You should think of your cellular phone numbers as some of your most personal information. Unless you use this for business, you want to make sure your number only goes to those who you wish to call you on your phone. That means you never post it online, and you never use it when listing something publicly, like classified ads or even personal ads. Use your landline numbers for this. That means you can screen your calls but you won’t have strangers calling and even passing out your cellular phone numbers.
Whatever you do, never fall for pages online that ask you to enter your cellular phone numbers. There is never any reason why you should have to use this number, even when you are making a purchase through a company that you trust. There are some that say they can tell you a secret, but you have to just give up your cellular phone numbers in order for them to do that. All this turns out to be is a way for someone to take your numbers and sell them to those that may have a use for them. It may also be a service that sends you text messages, at your expense, that you have no use for. If you feel you must do this, make a number up. Hopefully, it’s not someone else’s number.
If you are worried about your cellular phone numbers floating around, you can look online for more information. Try a simple search to see if your phone number appears in any text online. You can also try to some of the reverse lookups that you can find. They deal with cellular phone numbers, and hard to find landline numbers. If you find they have you listed, see if they can remove your listing for you. Contact any page that has your number and ask them to do the same. If not, you never know who could find it, and it might not be someone you like.
Brazilian Martial Arts
With the victories of many different Brazilian mixed martial arts champions in national competitions in recent years, Brazilian martial arts have really come into their own. From professional street fighting courses to Brazilian martial arts for kids, the fighting skills of Brazil have a truly international audience and the fame and fortune that they deserve. Not only martial arts enthusiasts, but also casual fans, people looking for a good workout, and even dancers are getting excited about some of these fascinating fighting arts.
The most well-known Brazilian martial art, of course, is Brazilian jujitsu. This is a very practical, brutal, and straightforward fighting art. It involves a lot of grappling and ground fighting – techniques that are often neglected in many Chinese martial arts and quite a few Japanese arts as well. Because it is unconventional, it is a great art for catching fighters by surprise. When you are attacked by a Brazilian martial arts fighter, you don't know what hit you. All of a sudden, you are on the ground being pummeled.
Of course, Brazilian capoeira is also an extremely popular martial art nowadays. It is less practical than the other Brazilian martial arts, but it is much more beautiful. Basically, it is a martial art designed to look like a dance. The legend goes that it was invented by slaves as a way to train without arousing suspicion among their masters. By making the moves look like a dance, they have invented a very beautiful, but deadly art.
Figuring out which Brazilian martial arts are best for you is not very hard. The two principal Brazilian martial arts – capoeira and Brazilian ju jitsu – are so different from each other, that Most people are much more strongly drawn to one than the other. If you want a straightforward, deadly fighting art, Brazilian jujitsu is the way to go. If, on the other hand, you want a fun and athletic activity that will teach you rhythm, coordination, and self-defense, Brazilian capoeira is obviously the superior choice. Neither Brazilian martial art is inherently “better” than the other. Both of them have their strengths and weaknesses, and the important thing is to find something that you personally like and stick with it. After all, any martial art will teach you how to fight. You might as well find one that is fun for you personally so that you will work hard at it.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Choosing the Right Japanese Tattoo Symbols
A lot of my friends are into body art, and have more tattoos and piercings than you can imagine. I'm way more conservative than they are, so I haven't had any artwork done yet, but I'm planning on getting a tat in the near future. My buddies have chosen a vast array of designs, and while a lot of their stuff is cool, I don't want to get something that they already have. Instead, I'm leaning towards a couple of Japanese tattoo symbols for my shoulder, but I'm having trouble deciding which characters to get.
Kanji characters are by far the most popular Japanese tattoo symbols out there. I've seen these on a lot of people, and really like the way they look. I also like the fact that there's an actual meaning or message behind each character. If I'm going to mark my body for life, then I want the ink to have some significance. At the same time, however, this permanence makes choosing a character that much more difficult, so I really want to do a lot of research before I commit to anything.
Many folks choose Japanese tattoo symbols that represent abstract concepts such as strength, faith, or love. While the actual kanji characters might look good, I think these concepts are a bit generic for my purposes. I want to go with something that is more personal and directly related to my life. I realize that might be a tall order and that most other people don't expect their Japanese tattoo symbols to be excessively profound, but what can I say? I want to make this tat count!
That's why I'm leaning towards paying someone to create a personalized message for me. I've read that some ink parlors can put you in touch with an artist who would be more than happy to listen to your ideas and then come up with Japanese tattoo symbols that capture your vision. Sure, I'd have to pay extra for this, but I think it would be worth it because then I'd wind up with a unique tat that represents something I stand for.
If you're thinking about using Japanese tattoo symbols the next time you get inked up, I suggest taking a few moments to really consider what it is you're after. Would you be ok with characters that signify such broad ideas that anyone could sport them with equal confidence? Or would you rather go with something completely unique to your own life, personality, or beliefs? The answer is clear to me!
Truthfully, it's hard to go wrong with Japanese tattoo symbols. They usually turn out great no matter which characters you settle on, and can contain as much importance as you choose to attach to them. How many other tat designs can make the same claim?
Letter Writing Tips
With the popularity of email, it seems that the art of writing good letters has been lost along the way. Email is great for speed and low cost, but there are some that still love to get letters in the mail. There are many times when you may need to write a letter for legal or business purposes, and doing it by email is just not right. You should find some good letter writing tips so that you know you are communicating clearly and effectively, and that your message is what it should be. Words can be hard for some, and it is easy to say the wrong thing unintentionally.
When it comes to personal letters, you have to tailor your letter to your knowledge of the person. If you are just getting to know someone, good letter writing tips will tell you to be sure to be personable, fun, and interesting, but you should not delve into too much personal information. There are many great ways to meet pen pals from all over the world, but you do have to be careful as you really don’t know with whom you may be corresponding. Keep it light in mostly impersonal at first until you know more about the person on the other end. Even then, keep it safe.
When looking for letter writing tips for those you know better, you may want to know how to write without taking up eighteen pages. This can happen when you know someone quite well, have not spoken to them in a while, and have a lot to tell. You may find that you are telling stories that may do better over the phone, or that are not the most important things you want to share. Think about what that person would be most interested in, and then narrow the focus of your letter. Some letter writing tips suggest that you may want to focus on just one aspect of your life if you have too much to say.
When it comes to letter writing tips for business correspondence, you want to be doubly sure that you know what you are going to say and that you express yourself and your problem very clearly. What is great is that you can look around online for examples of almost any type of business or legal letter. That helps tremendously when you don’t know what you want to say or how you should say it. Use these examples as starting points for your letters, and then tailor them to your problem and your needs.
Colorado Mountain Biking
The state of Colorado offers some of the best scenery to be found anywhere in the United States. Forests, mountains and lakes await the visitor and there are plenty opportunities to see wildlife. For the active sports enthusiast, Colorado mountain biking is one of the most popular activities. It is the ideal terrain for bikers and the sport is encouraged here. Many bikers also like to combine biking with the other activities the area has to offer such as water rafting, fishing or kayaking.
There are hundreds of trails and tracks, suitable for mountain biking in Colorado, often as part of State Parks, National Forests and Nature Preserves. Everything the area has to offer is best seen from the saddle and there are trails for the beginner, intermediate and more advanced rider. Groups and families love to explore in this scenic wonder. As with any adventure sport, it's important to prepare properly. Ensure that the bike is in good working order and take a repair kit just in case. Colorado is known for its hot days and chilly nights, so sunscreen, lots of water and plenty layers of clothing are required.
The San Juan National Forest with its high peaks, lakes, old mines, canyons and waterfalls is a popular destination in Colorado for mountain biking. Visitors to this area are delighted to spot elk, bear, mule deer, grouse and mountain lions. The Pike and San Isabel National Forest contains 14,000 feet mountains, reservoirs, white water and historic ghost towns. It is a favorite haunt for bikers, fishing enthusiasts, and owners of 4-Wheel Drive vehicles.
The Sangre de Cristo mountain range can be found in the Rio Grande National Forest. It is a beautiful area of alpine streams and high altitude lakes. The area is promoted as a Colorado mountain biking destination and as a great place for 4-Wheel Drive, road biking and motorcycling. The Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forest boasts eight designated wilderness areas, five large lakes, and the Front Range mountains.
Routt National Forest is another playground for mountain biking in Colorado, as well as jeeping. The protected area has a number of threatened and endangered species amongst the Spruce, Pine and Fir trees. Chatfield State Park is very close to Denver and contains a 27-acre nature preserve and a 1,550 acre reservoir. It is a weekend retreat for Denver residents and hot air balloons are launched from here. There is also the opportunity to photograph Great Blue Herons from March until September.
There are trails, particularly suitable for the beginner Colorado mountain biker. Three of these trails are to be found around the Boulder area. They are at the Betasso Preserve, the Meyers Homestead Trail and the Marshall Mesa.
If mountains seem a bit daunting, there are Downhill Mountain Bike Tours. These provide all the fun without the aching limbs next day! They are popular with groups and families with young children. The tour provides a guide with first aid training, along with the bikes, helmets and water bottles.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Harvard Medical School
It is universally acknowledged that Harvard Medical School is the leading medical school in the United States. Part of Harvard University, it was established in 1782 and is the third oldest such school in the USA. Various other prestigious organizations are affiliated with the school, such as the Massachusetts General Hospital. The campus in the Mission Hill neighborhood of Boston offers the best amenities and academic staff. The physical environment is inspirational with its quadrangle of neo-classical marble buildings. Campus tours are organized for potential candidates to the school and tours for the public can be undertaken during the summer months. The list of alumni is impressive with many graduates rising to the highest levels in medical research, surgery and clinical care. Scientists, academics and physicians are all represented.
Students can choose to specialize in a wide range of disciplines and departments include Neurobiology, Microbiology, Genetics, Biological Chemistry, Cell Biology and Molecular Pharmacology. There is also a Center for Blood Research at Harvard Medical School. It's not all work at the school however and there are many opportunities for leisure activities and socializing. There is a long list of student organizations to join, including the Athletic Club, Soccer Club, Art and Literature Magazine, Life Drawing and the Music Society.
Pastoral care is important to the school and students can seek advice on their career choice through the Student Affairs Office. The Student Health Plan provides cover for dental insurance and disability insurance, and makes sure that students with disabilities have the services they require.
Students can study in the best classrooms and laboratories, using state of the art research facilities. The Francis A.Countway Library is an important resource and has one of the largest biomedical book collections in the country. The library also contains thousands of rare books. Harvard Medical School encourages its students and graduates to participate in projects in their local community. Many students also involve themselves in medical projects across America and overseas
Students have the choice of living off campus or at the residential Vanderbilt Hall. In addition to student rooms, there is a library, a dark room, music rooms, a computer room and study lounges. The Athletic Facility at the Hall includes a gymnasium, outdoor tennis court, squash courts, a fitness and aerobic room and weight rooms. Some students prefer to cook their own meals and there are well-equipped kitchens for them to use. Other students go to the canteen for their meals.
There are many concerns today about obesity in young people and one of the Harvard Medical School professors has addressed this problem in a book, titled The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating for Kids. Written by W.Allan Walker, the Professor of Pediatrics and director of the Division of Nutrition, it discusses diet for babies, toddlers and so on, looking at weight control, exercise and planning meals.
Writing Good Business Letters
When you write personal correspondence either in letter or email form, you know you don’t have to worry quite as much about how you say things. You always want to have good spelling and decent grammar, of course, but your personal friends and family are not going to nitpick and disown you because of a few mistakes. However, when it comes to writing business letters, you want to make sure they are perfectly worded and completely without error. On top of that, they must be clear, to the point, and as brief as possible.
Business letters are all about business. You don’t want to send anything that sounds too personal, but you also don’t want to sound too stiff with someone with which you have been doing business with for a long time. Always start and end with the proper terms like “dear” and “sincerely,” though there are other terms that are acceptable. Look up the proper formatting for business letters, and never stray from that formula for the best outcome each item. There are a few different formats that work, but the most formal works the best, even when you feel the business is more on the casual side.
When it comes to the contents of business letters, you want to make sure your point is clear and that you have said what needs to be said in as few words as possible. Skip over flowery descriptions, as they may alienate some people. When you are writing a letter for business about a particularly touchy subject, you want to write a few drafts, and then put it away to look over again in a few hours or even the next day if that is possible. You will always want a fresh perspective so you are sure you have said what you need to say in the best possible way.
Lastly, check, recheck, and then triple check for spelling and grammar. If you aren’t sure, look it up. The few moments that it takes to do that can mean a huge difference in what happens after your business letters arrive at their destinations. Spell check on the computer is great, but it will not catch everything. If you have to, read the letter backwards, sentence by sentence, so that you can catch any problems. Even better, have someone else read it over. They will have fresh eyes and will catch problems that you did not.
Friday, February 28, 2014
There are so many things that you can do with a computer information systems degree that it will make your head spin. Any computer savvy student would be wise to look into the many lucrative fields associated with this wonderful field. Many of us non-techies are really counting on your talents so here are some suggestions to consider on your road to a new career using your computer information systems degree.
Security is a big concern for many of us who use the computer on a daily basis. Why not combine your childhood dream of becoming a police officer or private investigator with your computer information systems degree? This career is very rewarding for anyone who loves a good mystery and likes to make things safe for everyone.
Another field that incorporates your computer information systems degree and law enforcement is computer forensics. This intriguing field is exploding right now and you will have an opportunity to work right alongside law enforcement agents. This is a great field full of vast opportunities and workers who have a computer information systems degree are in high demand.
Not so interested in solving crimes? No problem. There are plenty of opportunities for an individual who has a communication information systems degree in Web development. Web developers are always in demand and a talented individual in this field has a happy and rewarding career in his path.
Anyone who loves the Internet will find Web developing to be a very desirable position. The great thing about this field is that you have an opportunity to build your own business once you have a few years of experience under your belt. Imagine working from home in your pajamas. Some individuals who work as Web developers do just that.
Your computer information systems degree can lead to the desirable position of computer systems analyst. Analytical thinkers are naturally drawn to this lucrative field. Put your mind and your talents to good use in this career path. This is another great option for anyone who wants to work from home, too.
These are just a mere handful of wonderful careers that are right around the corner for someone who has a computer information systems degree. I’m sure that you have some other ideas in mind. The most important thing to remember is that you need to earn that degree before your step into these desirable computer jobs.
Understanding basic dog psychology to remedy excessive barking
Beyond being man's best friend, dog's are best known for doing what comes naturally, such as barking. Most dog owners rely on Rover to let them know when an intruder might be approaching the house. This type of barking behavior is a characteristic which makes Rover a valuable addition to the family. However, everyone's had the experience of living in a neighborhood where there's a dog that just won't quit – barking! This can be a real annoyance to people blocks away. Understanding why your dog has gotten into a pattern of excessive barking can remedy the problem within a short period of time, before all your neighbors are up in arms.
Some dogs get into the excessive barking game out of sheer boredom. All dogs are permanent kids and, like kids, may show behavioral problems of which everyone disapproves simply because they have nothing better with which to occupy their time. A child may decide to clean out your closet or junk drawer. A dog may decide barking is great fun. Before long, unchecked, you've got a dog with an excessive barking problem.
Make sure your dog is getting plenty of exercise, play time and attention from family members. Sometimes, remedying this neglect is all it takes to cure the dog of excessive barking that will eventually drive you crazy and make your neighbors unfriendly.
To correct excessive barking that stems from boredom related causes, try picking up some toys next time you're at the pet shop. Chew toys are good, as are the toys which have a pocket in which you can hide tasty morsels of food for him to discover.
Some dogs pick up on the owner's nervous tendencies, interpreting your anxiety to be an indication of potential, unseen threats. Rover ramps up his protective instincts, becoming overly alert to every sound. Excessive barking is the result.
Older dogs who acquire this habit may do so because they are deaf. They know, when the cat surprises them at their food dish, their abilities aren't quite up to snuff. They figure if they bark a lot, just in case, they'll effectively warn off any real threats.
If none of this works, it may be time for more formal steps. Consult your vet for advice on using some of the anti bark devices available. These include bark collars which either deliver a mild electrical shock or a spray of citronella to modify the excessive barking behavior. Some dog owners find the bark collars to be inhumane, although the citronella sprays seem to be better tolerated by both owners and dogs.
If you're really desperate for a solution, there are medications your vet can prescribe to calm your dog down. One highly controversial, but certainly effective remedy is a surgical procedure that makes it impossible for your dog to bark. The problem with such radical remedies is that Rover is effectively rendered useless as a watch dog. Before considering such solutions, ask your vet about obedience classes which may solve the problem.
Before rendering your dog barkless, remember too that you might then be introducing a new neurosis. What if Rover is barking excessively in hopes of attracting a sweetheart? Your best bet is to let him bark when appropriate, keeping everyone happy.
Arts And Crafts Activities
Of course, arts and crafts activities are useful for internalizing information – particularly with younger students. The human mind is a complex thing, and if you want to use it you need to understand how it works. The more connections in the brain makes, the more firmly it cements its knowledge. If a particular art and craft activity inspires a student, he will remember everything about it including the lesson plan that led up to it. It will become a vivid part of his memory, not just an incidental lesson that slowly gets forgotten over years.
One of my favorite uses of arts and crafts activities is to teach problem-solving skills. When I teach my students about history, I teach them about the attempts of great thinkers to solve various problems that civilization runs into. Engineering, urban planning, design, invention, and many other problems have to be overcome at various points. Although I obviously can't show my students all of the complexities of historical problem solving, I can let them try their hands at constructing a siege proof castle, a stable bridge, or designing an ideal city. These art and craft activities make them not take the world around them for granted. They begin to realize that everything we have was a struggle to obtain, and they begin to dream about how much better things could get in the future.
You also can't forget about the creative aspect of arts and crafts activities. When it comes down to it, art is all about being imaginative and creative. One of the main things that these activities accomplish is allowing students to interact in a more active way with the world around them. Through arts and crafts activities, They can imagine a world that makes different decisions than ours does. They can try to come up with solutions better than the ones used by our leaders. Not every arts and crafts activity leads to profound conclusions or big changes in the way students think, but if even one does I think I've done my job. For me, teaching is all about building independent, creative thinkers for tomorrow. There is nothing more importance in a classroom than making students think for themselves.
Live Concert CDs
Every so often, a band or artist's performance in a live show goes down in history. We can't all be there but we can own the live concert CD of the event. Not many western performers played in Japan in 1978 but Bob Dylan at the Budokan was a commercial and critical success. The recording has good sound quality and Dylan concentrates on his classic songs, such as Mr. Tambourine, Don't Think Twice, It's Alright, Like a Rolling Stone, and All Along the Watchtower. There are 23 tracks in total on the double album. Dylan's band and female backing vocalists are top notch. The venue has presented many live performances over the years, including the Beatles, Pearl Jam, Abba, Led Zeppelin, and Eric Clapton but its main use is as a martial arts stadium.
In the 1960s, a ticket for a Beatles concert was like gold dust. They were very impressive live, if they could be heard over the screaming! The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl live concert CD and vinyl took songs from two performances from the LA venue. The first was from August 1964, and the second was from August of the following year. The record was not released until 1977 because it was felt that the sound quality was not good enough. This was until the Beatles' record producer, George Martin, worked on the master tapes and improved the sound. The hard work and the wait paid off as the album reached Number 1 in the UK and Number 2 in the United States on the album charts. The live concert CD contains several major hits, such as Can't Buy Me Love, A Hard Day's Night, and She Loves You. There is also a reminder of the group's Rock 'n' Roll roots with their covers of Long Tall Sally and Twist and Shout.
One of the most famous live albums of all time is The Who Live at Leeds, from their appearance at the University of Leeds in 1970. The New York Times called it " the best live rock album ever made." It always features high on any best album list and it is also often named as the loudest ever! There is a Blue Plaque on the University building where the gig took place, denoting its official distinction as an historic landmark. The 1970 vinyl was digitally remastered as a live concert CD in 1995 with I'm a Boy, Summertime Blues, and I Can't Explain added as new tracks. A Deluxe Edition was released in 2001 with almost all of the songs from rock opera, Tommy. Original tracks from 1970 include the Who's hits, My Generation, Magic Bus and Substitute.
The Apollo Theatre in Harlem has been the venue for many legendary performers, particularly for soul singers. James Brown Live at the Apollo was recorded in 1962 and was placed at Number 24 in Rolling Stone Magazine's 500 Greatest Albums of all Time list. The record was 66 weeks in the Billboard Top Pop Albums chart, reaching number 2. With backing vocals by The Famous Flames, Brown sings from his classic songbook, including I'll Go Crazy, Try Me, Lost Someone and Think. The live concert CD version came out in 1990 and a Deluxe Edition with bonus tracks came out in 2004.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Millennials Shun Credit Cards But Still Behind on Debt
Nov 20th, 2013 @ 9:36 PM by Amber Nelson
The Millennial generation – those aged 19 to 29 – are not borrowing as much as their predecessors but those who are taking on debt are not managing it well, according to a new study by Experian.
Millennials carry an average of only 1.5 credit cards compared with 2 cards a piece for Generation X borrowers (those aged 30 to 46) and 2.7 cards each for Baby Boomers (aged 47 to 65). And Millennials’ credit card balances are also lower with an average of $2,700 than the national average of $4,500. Of course this lower level is due largely to lower credit limits and smaller incomes, but even so, total credit card borrowing among this group has been trending downward over the past five years.
However, those who are choosing to rack up debt are not making timely payments, and Millennials have the lowest average credit score among all age groups as a result. With an average score of 628, Millennials trailed Generation Xers with a score of 653, and were well below Baby Boomers who had an average score of 700.
“While this study looked at all four generations, we found that Millennials are in need of the most guidance to improve and build their overall credit health,” said Michele Raneri, vice president of analytics, Experian in a press release.
The decreasing use of credit cards, poor credit scores and delinquent debt among Millennials nationwide may mostly be attributed to high unemployment and accompanying restrictive credit standards. Without a secure job market, young adults are unwilling or unable to make major purchases.
Credit trends do vary greatly across the country. Millennials in the South and the South West had the worst credit scores, with Mississippi posting the very lowest average of 590. On the opposite end, Minnesota’s young adults had the highest average score in the nation with 660.
About Amber NelsonAmber Nelson is a seasoned mortgage industry writer and a regular contributor to Loan.com and Mortgage101.com.
Credit Card Delinquencies Fall Again As Consumers Shape Up
Aug 14th, 2013 @ 7:01 PM by Amber Nelson
American consumers continued to put their best financial foot forward during the second quarter of this year, according to recent data from TransUnion Corp, as they paid down their credit card debt and made more payments on time.
Consumers had an average credit card debt of $4,965 during the second quarter. While that is up from $4,875 during the first quarter, it is down 0.12 percent compared with the previous year. To put it into perspective, the average second quarter credit card debt since 2000 has been $5,169.
And delinquencies fell to an almost 20-year low. Credit card accounts that were delinquent by at least 90 days fell to 0.57 percent of all accounts, down from 0.63 percent during the second quarter of 2012 and down from 0.69 percent in the first quarter. The last time the rate was that low was in the second quarter of 1994 when it hit 0.56 percent. The average delinquency rate during the second quarter since 2000 has been much higher at 1.09 percent.
“Despite recent improvements in the employment situation, consumers continue to value their credit card relationships as a primary means of liquidity. This is best demonstrated by the historically low credit card delinquency rates we observe today,” said Ezra Becker, vice president of research and consulting in TransUnion’s financial services business unit in a statement. “Credit card debt also remains relatively low, and while we did observe a quarterly rise in debt, we would need to see a few more quarters of increases to describe it as a significant trend. Having said that, the data supports that consumers will continue to prioritize their credit card relationships over other credit obligations, and delinquencies should remain low into the near future.”
The improvements are widespread, according to TransUnion, as 74 percent of the metro areas it tracked had yearly declines in their delinquency rates. Seattle led the pack with a 26.5 percent drop from the 2012 second quarter. Denver also had a sizable decline, falling 21.4 percent and Minneapolis was a close third with a 21.3 percent drop from the previous year.
Based on the current pace of the economy, TransUnion expects things to remain fairly constant into the third quarter when they predict the delinquency rate will be 0.60 percent.
About Amber NelsonAmber Nelson is a seasoned mortgage industry writer and a regular contributor to Loan.com and Mortgage101.com.
Bigger Mortgages Loom Over Baby Boomers
Sep 25th, 2013 @ 7:47 PM by Amber Nelson
Those near retirement are headed into their golden years with more and more mortgage debt, according to a recent paper , which could spell financial trouble for those retirees in the next decade.
Research from economists AnnaMaria Lusardi of George Washington University and Olivia Mitchell of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in a recently published paper found that more baby boomers who were close to retirement in 2008 had outstanding balances on their mortgages than did the previous generation of retirees. Lusardi and Mitchell pulled data from the University of Michigan’s Health and Retirement Survey which showed that in 1992, 40.5 percent of those between the ages of 56 and 61 still had a home loan to pay off. In 2008, that number jumped to 47.8 percent for the new cohort.
More significant and more troubling than that statistic was the difference in how much near-retirees still owed. The 1992 group had a remaining balance on average of $26,000, while the 2008 group had an average of $66,000, a sum much bigger than inflation alone could have caused. Lusardi and Mitchell wrote that this made “early boomers significantly more financially fragile” than the earlier generation.
The changing dynamics of the housing market have played a large part in the mortgage debt shift, with the 2008 cohort having feeling the effects of the housing bubble and bust. During the boom, mortgage borrowers were able to take out larger loans with much lower down payments, most only putting down between 5 percent and 10 percent. With a smaller share of equity, boomers had a much bigger debt load heading into retirement than the 1992 group.
Couple that with the boomers’ increased propensity to use riskier financial avenues like payday loans, credit cards and borrowing from their retirement accounts, and you have a recipe for major sticker shock when these boomers begin their work-free phase of life.
About Amber NelsonAmber Nelson is a seasoned mortgage industry writer and a regular contributor to Loan.com and Mortgage101.com.
Household Debt Increases – Is This Good or Bad?
Feb 19th, 2014 @ 1:27 PM by Amber Nelson
Americans took on $241 billion more in debt during the fourth quarter of 2013, according to a new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a 2.1 percent from the previous quarter and the largest quarterly jump since the end of 2007. Compared with the year before, debt also rose $180 billion. The new data has left economists wondering: Does the increase represent an America that is more financially stable or less?
“This quarter is the first time since before the Great Recession that household debt has increased over its year-ago levels suggesting that after a long period of deleveraging, households are borrowing again,” said Wilbert van der Klaauw, senior vice president and economist at the New York Fed in a statement.
Household debt can be a reflection of economic optimism when borrowers are investing in long-term purchases like homes and cars, but increases in credit card debt can signal that consumers are in over their heads fiscally. And growth in student loan debt, while an investment in the future, creates an immediate difficulty for the economy as new graduates battle their student loans before buying homes.
In the fourth quarter of last year, the growth in household debt was fueled by both types of borrowing. Mortgage debt jumped $152 billion in the 2014 fourth quarter and auto loan debt rose $18 billion, but credit card debt also grew by $11 billion and student loan debt saw the biggest increase, rising 5.2 percent from the third quarter.
Add to that mixed bag of data a few more puzzling facts. During the fourth quarter serious delinquencies on all household debt fell an average of 5.0 percent. That’s good. Yet during the same time there was very little improvement in unemployment rate and no increase in wages. That’s bad. Perhaps the data taken all together suggests that the economy is definitely recovering, but at very different rates among various segments of the population.
About Amber NelsonAmber Nelson is a seasoned mortgage industry writer and a regular contributor to Loan.com and Mortgage101.com.
Peer-To-Peer Lending Making Market Waves
Aug 28th, 2013 @ 11:50 AM by Amber Nelson
Traditional banks are getting some serious competition these days from very non-traditional source. LendingClub Corp. and Prosper Inc., two of the largest peer-to-peer lending companies today are growing rapidly as American consumers look to become small-time bankers themselves.
Both companies offer an online marketplace where borrowers and investors can connect with the click of a button. After a credit check, borrowers ask for money for a specific purpose (up to $35,000) and time frame (between three and five years.) Anyone with a little money to contribute can join on as investor. Sometimes individuals pledge as little as $25 a piece. When there are enough investors to make the entire loan, the borrower receives the funds and starts the repayment process.
Renaud Laplanche, founder and chief executive officer of LendingClub says the online platform and minimal overhead make peer-to-peer lending a truly viable option. “What we’ve done is radically transform the way consumer lending operates,” Laplanche said in a speech. “The savings can be passed on to more borrowers in terms of lower interest rates and investors in terms of attractive returns.”
These loans can be for anything from credit card consolidation to home improvement to student loans. And they are doing very well by-and-large. The default rate on loans at Prosper fell to an annual rate of 5.8 percent in July, down from 12.3 percent in 2010. Lending Club’s combined default and charge-off rate dropped to 2.5 percent at the end of this year’s first quarter compared with 6.7 percent at the end of 2009.
And the loans just keep coming. In 2012, LendingClub made $718 million online loans. Prosper made $153 million, but was embroiled in a class action lawsuit. Now that its settled, Prosper expects to make $500 million in loans next year. And it is estimated that by 2106, peer-to-peer lenders industry-wide will be averaging $20 billion in loans a year. With contributors earning as much as 9.5 percent on their investments, it’s easy to see how these predictions could be right on track.
About Amber NelsonAmber Nelson is a seasoned mortgage industry writer and a regular contributor to Loan.com and Mortgage101.com.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Auto and Student Loans Push Consumer Borrowing Up in November
Jan 8th, 2014 @ 1:54 PM by Amber Nelson
Americans are starting to feel more confident in the economy these days, but only by a little bit. Consumer borrowing rose in November by its slowest pace in six months, according to a recent report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Total U.S borrowing grew by a seasonally adjusted 4.8 percent to a total of $3.09 trillion. That’s an increase of $12.3 billion; borrowing rose a downwardly-revised $17.9 billion in October, by contrast. The gain is weaker than most analysts expected with the average forecast calling for a $15 billion increase.
Most of the gain was from growth in non-revolving credit, with things like student loans and auto financing. Non-revolving credit jumped 6.4 percent in November, compared with a 0.6 percent increase in revolving credit, represented mostly by credit card spending.
Student loan borrowing has consistently been the biggest category for consumers since the Great Recession as Americans have considered student debt one of the safest liabilities. Federal government student loans increased by $6 billion in November, up from October’s $5.2 billion increase. Auto lending has also picked up in the last few years, with U.S. car sales rising 7.6 percent in 2013, but credit card borrowing has yet to make serious headway toward its pre-Recession levels. Total credit card borrowing is still 16 percent its 2008 peak.
Weak income growth and the sluggish movement of the high unemployment rates have kept consumer’s spending and borrowing in check, as proceed with financial caution until the economy is more robust. Economists do predict that borrowing will gradually rise in 2014 as the job market becomes more stable.
The Federal Reserve report is a survey of student loans, auto loans and credit card debt, but it does not include any loans related to real estate, including home mortgages.
About Amber NelsonAmber Nelson is a seasoned mortgage industry writer and a regular contributor to Loan.com and Mortgage101.com.
Credit Card Fees Fall As Access Shrinks
Oct 2nd, 2013 @ 8:33 PM by Amber Nelson
Credit card fees have dropped over the past four years thanks to the financial legislation, but access to credit has also fallen, according to a new report from the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau.
The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (CARD) made sweeping changes across the credit card industry in an effort to protect borrowers from excessive fees and penalties. The new rules restricted credit card companies from raising interest rates on existing balances, charging fees when customers exceeded their limits and imposing oversized fees for late payments.
Since the CARD act took effect, the CFPB found that the average credit card late fee fell $6 and total late fees assessed in the past four years fell by $1.5 billion. The fees that consumers were charged for spending more than their limit fell a total of $2.5 billion.
Of course total credit card lending and borrowing declined during that time as well. In the second quarter of this year, U.S. consumers had a combined credit card debt load of $668 billion, down from $843 billion during the first part of 2009. Some of that decrease is due to the elimination of many subprime consumer accounts since the financial crisis began. Credit card firms have dramatically increased their credit standards for those seeking new accounts.
“While consumers are paying less interest on credit cards, that’s only to the degree they have access,” Ken Clayton, chief counsel at the American Bankers Association said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the CARD Act has contributed to a reduction in the availability of credit cards, particularly for those who have imperfect credit histories or no credit history at all.”
Still overall, the CFPB is pleased with the direction the credit card industry is taking. The report stated, “The end result [of the CARD Act] is a market in which shopping for a credit card and comparing costs is far more straightforward than it was prior to enactment of the Act.”
About Amber NelsonAmber Nelson is a seasoned mortgage industry writer and a regular contributor to Loan.com and Mortgage101.com.
Auto Loan Growth Boosts June Consumer Borrowing
Aug 7th, 2013 @ 2:54 PM by Amber Nelson
American consumers borrowed more in June, with most of the increase coming from car loans and student debt, according to a recent report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Total consumer borrowing grew $13.8 billion in June from May, to a seasonally adjusted $2.85 trillion, the highest level on record.
While the Fed’s survey doesn’t break down exact numbers on auto loan data, the non-revolving credit category, which includes student and auto loans, increased by $12.6 billion in June to an unadjusted $1.987 trillion. Federal student loans grew by $3.3 billion, which means that a jump in car financing probably made up the rest of the non-revolving credit increase.
“Auto credit seems to be pretty widely available and the demand for new cars has been strong as well, and both of those are probably going to continue through the end of the year,” said Tom Simons, an economist at Jefferies LLC in New York, who projected a $14 billion increase in credit in a Businessweek article . “We still see a consumer that is reticent to borrow in order to make purchases other than autos.”
And as Simons indicated, credit card debt has not seen a major increase all year. In June, the revolving credit category, made up primarily of credit card transactions, fell $2.7 billion and is currently 16.5 percent below its peak in July 2008.
By comparison, student and car loan debt have increased $312.6 billion over the past two-and-a-half years, while credit card debt has inched up just $16 billion.
Since the financial crash, Americans seem to feel safer borrowing for cars and college than they do for more mundane needs or for big, one-time purchases. However, as the unemployment rate continues to tick downward and consumer confidence slowly recovers, we are likely to see greater borrowing of all types towards the end of the year and into 2014.
About Amber NelsonAmber Nelson is a seasoned mortgage industry writer and a regular contributor to Loan.com and Mortgage101.com.
Consumer Delinquencies Fell in Third Quarter
Jan 15th, 2014 @ 9:48 PM by Amber Nelson
Consumers did better at managing their debt in six of eight different loan categories in the 2013 third quarter, according to a recent survey from the American Bankers Association.
The ABA’s Consumer Credit Delinquency Bulletin found that all taken together Americans were delinquent – by 30 days or more – on 1.63 percent of all their loans, down from 1.76 percent in the second quarter and a record low. By comparison, the average rate of that composite ratio has been 2.35 percent for the last 15 years.
“More jobs and higher income are a recipe for lower delinquencies,” said James Chessen, ABA’s chief economis in a statement. “Consumers also continue to do a good job of monitoring their finances and keeping debt at manageable levels.”
The ABA reported that delinquencies declined in the following loan categories: personal loans, indirect auto loans, mobile home loans, RV loans, marine loans and home equity loans. Direct auto loans did not see a change in the delinquency rate at 0.88 percent, but the one increase was in property improvement loans where the number of accounts behind on payments rose to 1.25 percent in the third. quarter from 0.80 percent in the second.
The ABA also tracks a few “open-end” loans, including bank cards, home equity lines of credit and non-revolving loans. The biggest surprise among those was an jump in bank card delinquencies, which rose to 2.42 percent from 2.55 percent. Still, Chessen pointed out that even the current rate is 30 percent lower than the 15-year average.
He predicted that things will continue to get better but warned consumers to be watchful.
“Delinquencies are likely to remain at reasonably low levels for the next several quarters as the economy continues to improve and jobs and income continue to grow,” Chessen said. “At the same time, consumers can’t afford to be complacent when it comes to keeping debt levels under control.”
About Amber NelsonAmber Nelson is a seasoned mortgage industry writer and a regular contributor to Loan.com and Mortgage101.com.